PR & Media Agency Fees

How Does It Work?

Our PR & Media team & partners acts on your behalf as your Brands Agent, by writing articles for publications that people want to read & share. You get the benefit of having your advice included in the article allowing you to utilize the logos and credibility for an AS SEEN ON: Banner.

Why Use An Agency?

Getting featured in a high profile publication is not an easy feat to do on your own. Our team of journalist write articles that are trending and in demand and include your advice as the expert next to other high profile business owners and change makers, we then pitch your story, your expertise, your book or advice to Tier 1 & Tier 2 publications 

Getting featured is not out of question when you do it yourself, but it takes time, connections and a quality pitch to even be considered, most of our clients don’t have this kind of patience, time nor wherewithal to make it happen.

This is why they hire us.

What Are Publication Tiers?

Top tier magazines, newspapers, broadcast and online publications are ranked based on their notoriety and now by number of followers across their social channels. Publications like CNBC, MarketWatch, Wall Street Journal, and more have started to heavily lean on their online publication over print.

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Your Ultimate wishlist.

Tier 1 Publications

The who’s who of publications, which generally includes top national mainstream media outlets, national industry publications read by key audiences, and media in your local market. 


Tier 2 Publications

Slightly lesser national publications, both mainstream and industry-specific. It may include industry analysts or other brand-specific niche publications. (Thrive Global, Medium, Disrupt, Future Sharks, So Influential, Total Girl Boss, etc.)

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Want To Work With UBA?

Do you have a story to tell? UBA takes your PR to the next level. Tell Us Your Story.

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Forms Of Media

We are seasoned professionals in a wide variety of media platforms. Find out which form best fits your business.

Tier 1 & Tier 2 Media

As a PR professional, one of our biggest goals is to get you placed in the most well-known media publications and newspapers, such as TechCrunch, Fortune, the New York Times,

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Top Tier Podcasts

A podcast is an audio program, just like Talk Radio, but you subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like. Most hosts have audiences or rich

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Trade Publications

Trade publications cover specific industries or sectors, such as construction, facility management, manufacturing, security, food and beverage, hospitality,

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Press Releases & Newspapers

Metropolitan news outlets are more localized publications that cover news pertinent to a specific area. For example, the Chicago Tribune, the Daily Herald

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What Makes Us Different?

It’s our trademarked: “Closed Loop Process” we created to maintain good standing relationships with the publishers, the writer/contributors and our clients.

We Help Keep Everyone Happy

1. Publishers want great content, writers/contributors also need great content to write about so that their articles are appealing to the public which encourages opens, reads & shares.

2. We want to place our clients in articles that have impact and a high volume of opens, reads & shares giving more credibility, visibility and profitability to the brand or business.


Writers/Contributors are not able to accept payment for their articles but they do get compensated in other ways for articles that do well by the publisher. This is where we come in, and why having Unstoppable Branding Agency as your Brands Agent pays dividends for all parties.

When an article is published we place it on our social platforms ( Facebook, Linked In, Instagram) we run paid traffic to the article to increase Opens, Reads & Shares.

Our Results

This is one of the features we ran traffic for and within 48 hours of publishing, there was a result of 123 shares, 197 comments, 18.444 opens and read on the article, and lastly 100+ shares.

Our clients use these articles as high-level lead generation tools.

The more traffic benefits the contributor column, which in return provides the client with more attention, traffic and an article that can be used for Brand Positioning and makes it easier to pitch to other publications.

Want To Work With UBA?

Do you have a story to tell? UBA takes your PR to the next level. Tell Us Your Story.